
Molecular mechanisms regulating body fluid ion environments and their physiological and pathophysiological meanings

丸中 良典(一財 京都工場保健会)

Pysiological significance of the measurement of intracellular Ca²⁺ concentration in muscle

栗原 敏(東京慈恵会医科大学、細胞生理学講座)

Second messenger and circulatory regulation

石川 義弘(横浜市立大学大学院医学研究科)

Roles of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in learning
渡邊 武郎(ブラウン大学 神経科学部)

細胞死誘導に関与するイオンチャネルの生理学的研究 – 来し方行く末 –
Physiological studies on ion channels involved in cell death induction – Hitherto and hereafter –
岡田 泰伸(生理学研究所)

My research in physiology ~ Search from the comparative analysis of “normal/abnormal” using cerebellar mutant mice~ The discovery of ER-resident IP₃ receptor/channel and establishing a new paradigm
御子柴 克彦(SIAIS ShanghaiTech Univ.)

A short review on fMRI from its genesis to current and future
小川 誠二(東北福祉大学)

Malfunction and dysregulation of cardiac ion channels as substrates for arrhythmogenicity
小野 克重(大分大学)